Commands of God to Believers

Commands of God To



Joe L. Banghart


Table of Contents


Abstain From All Appearances of Evil                        I Thessalonians 5:22

Abstain From All Fleshly Lust                                       I Peter 2:11

Avoid Trouble Makers                                                     Romans 16:17

Avoid Profane and Vain Babblings                                I Timothy 6:20

Avoid Foolish Questions                                                   Titus 3:9

Be Reconciled To A Brother                                              Matthew 5:24

Be Wise As Serpents                                                            Matthew 10:16

Seek the Peace of God                                                          Colossians 3:15

Be Patient Toward All Men                                                 I Thessalonians 5:14

Understand The Resurrection                                            I Corinthians 15:12-19

Be Ready To Give An Answer To All Men                        I Peter 3:15

Be Steadfast                                                                            I Corinthians 15:58

Be Of The Same Mind                                                          Romans 12:16

Be Separate From The Unclean                                         II Corinthians 6:17

Be Filled With The Spirit                                                    Ephesians 5:18

Avoid Anxious Thoughts                                                    Philippians 4:6

Be An Example To Others                                                  I Timothy 4:12

Be Gentle To All Men                                                          II Timothy 2:24-25

Be Content With What You Have                                    Hebrews 13:5

Stay On the Look Out For The Devil                               I Peter 5:8

Pray To God And Not To Influence Man                       Matthew 6:5

Treat Others As You Desire To Be Treated                    Matthew 7:12

Come Out From The Unclean                                           II Corinthians 6:17

Avoid Evil Communications                                              I Corinthians 15:33

Have No Fellowship With Those Who Reject Christ    II Corinthians 6:14-17

Don’t Be Weary In Well Doing                                          II Thessalonians 3:13

Don’t Be Slothful                                                                   Hebrews 6:12

Don’t Be Led Away By The Wicked                                    II Peter 3:17

Don’t Be Influenced By Strange Doctrine                         Hebrews 13:9

Beware Of False Prophets                                                      Matthew 7:15

Be Ware Of Men                                                                        Matthew 10:17



Abstain From All Appearances of Evil                        I Thessalonians 5:22

We are starting a new series of study today, “Commands of God to Believers.”  The first in this series is the command from God for all believers to “Abstain from all appearance of evil” (I Thessalonians 5:22).  Christianity begins with a major presupposition.  That is the Bible contains all the truth of God, His wisdom He has chosen to give us, to provide us the knowledge that forms the basis of the victorious Christian life.  A very basic part of this command that is clear to all that love Christ and have given their hearts to Him is our service.  Consider the following questions to help guide you in a better understanding of what “all appearance of evil” might include.  If we do not attend a Bible believing church could others perceive that as evil on our part?  If we fail to love others as God instructs us could that be an appearance of evil?  If we fail to follow the clear teaching of scripture on any topic could that be an appearance of evil?  If we have fellowship with the works of darkness this is a clear indication of the appearance of evil.  Each of us must start with the Word of God and determine what it is we may currently do, or not do, that would possibly radiate to the lost world the appearance of evil.  I have often heard others say, “My friend just does not seem to be the example of Christ I believe they should be” and those making this statement continue in not serving God.  Research what the appearance of evil is within the scripture.

Abstain From All Fleshly Lust                                    I Peter 2:11

God commands all believers to abstain from all fleshly lust, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul” (I Peter 2:11). This is a command given only to believers.  In the believer this warfare goes on all of the time (Gal. 5:16-23) and will continue until glorification at the second coming of Christ (Romans 7:14-25).  What are works of the flesh?  Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, envyings, murders, drunkenness, and revellings,(Galatians 5:19-21). As you review this list of “works of the flesh” consider which of these you may be in a battle with today?  When we abstain from the fleshly lust we are allowing the Holy Spirit and Word of God to work in our life.  It is a command from God that we “abstain from all fleshly lust.”  The first step in abstaing from fleshly lust is the willingness of each person to accept the clear teaching of God’s Word and apply it daily.  Have you taken the first step?

Avoid Trouble Makers                                                Romans 16:17

God commands believers to avoid all troublemakers.  “Now I beseech you, brethren, mark them which cause divisions and offences contrary to the doctrine which ye have learned; avoid them” (Romans 16:17).  There were theological heresies and stumbling blocks in the Romans church.  Their thrust was contrary to orthodox Christian teaching, both in matters of faith and practice.  Paul regarded a failure to dissociate Christian truth and practice from false teaching and unethical behavior as a danger to the spiritual life of the members of a local church fellowship.  These trouble makers where those who taught doctrine contrary to that found within the Bible.  These individuals made an effort to pull those who followed correct doctrine away from the church and other believers.  If such a person exist in the church you attend God commands us to withdraw from them.  In Romans 16:18, we are instructed that these individuals “serve not the Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple.”

Avoid Profane and Vain Babblings                                    I Timothy 6:20

God commands us to avoid profane and vain babblings.  “O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called” (I Timothy 6:20).  Often Christian ministers or individual Christians lower the dignity of the gospel message by condescending to argue scripture on the unregenerate level.  If we are true to Christian theology we will only appear as fools to these individuals.  The lost person will never be regenerated through an appeal to the mind but by faith in Christ (Heb. 11:6).  These individuals that persist in “vain babbling” are irreligious, profane, irreverent, and without spiritual or moral sensitivity.  These are people that love to hear themselves talk and seek an opportunity to question consistently the truth presented in the Bible.  This is not the person who seeks to study the Word of God and ask questions that would help support the spiritual growth of all that may listen.  We can be caught in this trap and may fall into “profane and vain babblings.”  This is why God commands us to avoid them.

Avoid Foolish Questions                                                Titus 3:9

God commands us to avoid foolish questions.  “But avoid foolish questions, and genealogies, and contentions, and strivings about the law; for they are unprofitable and vain” (Titus 3:9).  How many times have we heard said, “you cannot ask a foolish questions?”  In this verse God commands us to avoid foolish questions.  These are questions that might lead to heresy and cause a split within the local church.  Always remember that Christians are not looking for the truth.  They already have the truth revealed in the Bible.  The heresy that strikes at the very foundation of the Christian faith must be looked upon as ultimately destructive to the entire system if not exposed.  Christians must be tolerant in cases where honest differences of opinion exist in peripheral matters, but focal theology is maintained only by rejecting schismatics who challenge the very essence of the Christian system.  How many times have we been guilty of asking a “foolish question?”

Be Reconciled To A Brother                                                Matthew 5:24

God commands us to be reconciled to a brother.  “Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar, and there rememberest that thy brother hath ought against thee; leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift” (Matthew 5:23-24).  Notice the Bible instructs us to leave the gift then go   and be reconciled and then come back and offer the gift.  Jesus told them to leave the gift “in front of” not on the altar.  When we come to worship and have offended a brother by our attitude or actions we should seek reconciliation to be worthy for worship.  What a revival would fall upon the church if every saint would do this.  It does not ask the worshipper to forgive one who has wronged him in this verse.  Forgiveness is taught by our Lord in Mark 11:25-26.  How often have we come to church and made an effort to worship God and still harbor ill feelings against another brother in Christ?  Are you living with this situation in your life today?

Be Wise As Serpents                                                            Matthew 10:16

God commands us to be “wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”  “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves” (Matthew 10:16).  The Apostles were being sent into a society that was unfriendly to them and their message.  The encouragement found in this command is since we are forewarned we are also forearmed.  The Christian is to have only pure motives (the dove figure), but this does not mean we should be naïve.  On the contrary we are to be as sophisticated as a cunning serpent.  The serpent is wary and sharp-sighted.  The order given in this verse is important.  First we are to be wise and then harmless.  Wisdom for the missionary work that this world requires can only come from God (James 1:5).  We are sent by God, into the world as sheep, that the lost might come to Christ as personal savior.  This command from God is given as instructions on how we are to approach this service.  A harmless sheep, whose motives are pure, who is also as cunning as a serpent in his ability to understand the psychology of the wolves and hence to outguess them, need not fear the wolves, despite their ferocity.

Seek the Peace of God                                                Colossians 3:15

God commands Christians to seek His peace that will allow them to experience spiritual thanks giving.  “And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful” (Colossians 3:15).  The reason why God called each saved individual into membership in the body of Christ is that Christ, the Head, might rule each member, thus they can experience peace.  Just as the head, through the nervous system, rules every organ of the body, so Christ, “the Head over all things to His church, which is His body” (Eph. 1:22,23) rules every Christian and the church moves gracefully to her task as individual members yield to the head.  A spastic church body is one in which (a) unregenerate have gained membership or (b) the members, though saved, have poor connection with the Head and ignore the teaching of the Holy Spirit and Word of God.  We can experience being thankful if we have a good connection with the Head (Christ) and live within His peace each day.  Look around at the world and all that is taking place which destroys true peace.  We need this peace and thankfulness from God or our emotions could take over resulting in each of us being unproductive in our service to Christ and His church.

Be Patient Toward All Men                                                I Thessalonians 5:14

God commands us to be patient toward all men.  “Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men” (I Thessalonians 5:14).  “And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth” (2 Timothy 2:24,25).  Here is an admonition to faithful Christians to visit and call the absentees who have forsaken the assembly (Heb. 10:25).  We are also to speak in a counseling sense to the timid, downhearted and despondent.  We are also to stay close to the weak to give instant support when it is needed.  We are never to lose patience.  The Lord’s servant must not quarrel.  He must be gentle, persuasive, eager to teach and patient with the slow learners.  A good teacher is able to detect the inconsistence in the position of his students and to point them out without being belligerent.  Lord help us to have this type of patients in dealing with family, friends, and the lost world.

Understand The Resurrection                                                            I Corinthians 15:12-19

The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ from the grave can only be believed, affirmed, and verified in the hearts and lives of all those who have trusted Him as Lord and Savior (Romans 10:9,10).  The resurrection is the foundation that separates Christianity from all false religions.  The importance of the resurrection is found in (I Cor. 15:12-19).  The resurrection of Christ is the Constitution, Bill of Rights, and Declaration of Independence of the Christian faith.  Examine the multiple appearances of the risen Lord and consider the untold millions that have experienced a personal salvation from Him throughout history.  He appeared to Mary Magdalene in the garden (Mk. 16:9; Jn. 20:11-18).  To the woman returning home from the tomb (Mt. 28:9,10).  To two disciples on the Emmaus Road (Lk.24:13-32; Mk. 16: 12,13).  To Peter in Jerusalem (Lk. 24:34;I Cor. 15:5).  To ten of his apostles in the upper room (Lk.24:36-43; Jn. 20:19-23).  To the eleven in the upper room (Jn.20:24-29).  To the seven apostles by the Galilean Sea (Jn.21:1-24).  To the eleven and 500 believers on Mt. Tabor (Mt.28:16-20; I Cor. 15:6).  To the eleven and James, Jesus’ half-brother, in Jerusalem (Mk. 16:14-18; Lk. 24:44-49; I Cor. 15:7). To the eleven on the Mount of Olives (Lk.24:50-53). Without the resurrection we have no hope.

Be Ready To Give An Answer To All Men                        I Peter 3:15

God tells us we should be ready to give an answer of the hope that is within us.  “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear” (I Peter 3:15).  If we indeed set Jesus, the Messiah apart in our hearts as Lord, we will have done so for good reasons.  Hence, the rationale that supports our decision should be prepared and we should be able to give it on short notice.  Peter does not say the person asking is saved or unsaved nor if they will be convinced to the extent that he makes his own decision to trust Christ.  The command of God is that those who are saved should be ready on a moments notice to share scripture and give a personal testimony of the hope that is within them.  The church member who is not ready on a moment’s notice to give the rationale for his faith which Peter here demands is likely to fall victim to false teaching and doubt the very Word of God.  Can you give an answer of the hope of Christ that lies within you to anyone that may ask why you are a Christian?

Be Steadfast                                                                         I Corinthians 15:58

God commands us to be steadfast, unmovable, and always abounding in the Lords work.  “Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labor is not in vain in the Lord” (I Corinthians 15:58).  The way to be steadfast in the faith is to be always busy serving Christ.  What is it we should be doing in this service?  The activities of the Lord are the “good works which He hath before ordained that we should walk in them” (Ephesians 2:10).  The sacrifice,which may seem great at the time is worth it, in terms of results achieved when we are obedient to the leadership of the Holy Spirit and the Word of God.  In all teaching within the New Testament doctrine is never divorced from Christian ethics.  Why then is this service significant?  Because Jesus died and rose again and what we do for Him however inconvenient and costly it may be, in the short run, is fruitful and we will be rewarded eternally.   Are you steadfast, unmovable, and always abounding in your service for Christ?

Be Of The Same Mind                                                Romans 12:16

God commands us to be of one mind.  “Be of the same mind one toward another:  Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate.  Be not wise in your own conceits” (Romans 12:16).  “Be of the same mind one toward another” is literally, “thinking the same thing with respect to one another.”  We are to enter into the feelings and desires of others in the body of Christ with the one mind of Christ.  Are we not all of the same family (Christians serving in a local New Testament church) and should we not be thinking and acting with the same mind and not just minding our onwn desires and needs?  This one mind is a common and well-understood feeling of mutual allowance and kindness toward each other.   Lowly men would be those who in self-abasement and humility walk this earth with a deep sense of their moral littleness.  Anything that would destroy the unanimity of love within the church indicates that person may not be wise and could be living within their own conceits.

Be Separate From The Unclean                                    II Corinthians 6:17

God commands believers to separate from the unclean.  “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you” (2 Corinthians 6:17).  Where were these unclean things to be found in Corinth?  Chiefly in the idol temples and Christians were forbidden to frequent them.  What is the application of this command for us today?  All forms of the so-called “Modernism” by which theology denies Christ’s deity, virgin birth, vicarious death, bodily resurrection, and other key doctrine are to be avoided.  Why is it that often we may prefer fellowship with others in various groups outside the church?  This is not saying avoid all social groups for many do good work.  It is saying anything we do that may take us from our spiritual growth in Christ could become the unclean thing.  I have experienced this type of activity in my life in the past and at times have found myself more involved in other areas of just living than the Lord’s church.  Have you been in the same situation before and had other things keep you from serving God?

Be Filled With The Spirit                                                Ephesians 5:18

God commands believers to be “filled with the Spirit.”  “And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18).   In Acts chapter 6 and 7 Stephen is “filled with the Spirit” in such a way that he is totally controlled by the Spirit of Christ.   The believer that is “filled with the Spirit” is that person who is able to share the love of Christ through scripture and personal actions moment by moment of each day.  The verb is in the present imperative; “Be constantly being filled with the Spirit.”  This verse is telling us that God commands His children to be constantly, moment by moment, under the control of the Spirit.  What did Stephen do when he was “controlled by the Spirit?”  He openly declared the love of God through Christ to those that he spoke with.  He had power to declare how they might be saved.  When we are filled with the Spirit His fruits (Gal. 5:22-23) will fill our lives.  Edifying conversation and music, both vocal and instrumental, and thanksgiving to God the Father, at all times and for all things are indications of a Spirit filled person and activity within the church.  The question for us should be, “Will we allow ourselves to be constantly controlled by the Spirit of God, moment by moment, each day?”  What is it that occupies our minds and takes us from being filled with the spirit?

Avoid Anxious Thoughts                                                Philippians 4:6

God commands us not to continue in anxious thoughts over anything.  “Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known unto God” (Philippians 4:6).  The word “be careful” in our dictionary is “exercise caution.”  What it means in this verse in Greek is “be full of care.”  This is excessive worry or anxious care over anything that we face in this life.  The Greek text is prohibiting us from the continuance of an action already habitually going on.   The word “nothing” literally means “not even one thing.”  How often we deal with issues in this life and continue with “anxious thoughts” or worry over these decisions that need to be made or have been made.  God commands us not to invest our valuable mental time in this exercise of anxious worry over the future.  It is impossible for us to accurately tell what the future will be in reference to these anxious worries.  List some of the continued anxious cares that you may have and then seek the Lord’s strength in dealing with each of them.  These anxious cares do exist even if we deny them.

Be An Example To Others                                                I Timothy 4:12

God commands all believers to be an example to others.  “Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity” (I Timothy 4:12).  Paul is writing a letter of encouragement to the young preacher Timothy.  This is also a message to all that follow Christ and seek to be obedient to His commands found in the Bible.  Paul is saying that Timothy is to conduct himself so that there will be no occasion for criticism from others.  Then Paul list a variety of spheres in which Timothy is to live the example and demonstrate the way of Christ.  Timothy’s example is in terms of what he says, how he behaves, how he demonstrates his love for others, what he believes and how he crucifies the flesh.  What is God saying to each individual about being the Christian example they should be?  We are to demonstrate our faith in word, deed, feeling, trust and self-control and this will add up to Christian victory.  What do others see in us?  What type of example are you, one that demonstrates the works of the flesh, or the fruits of the Holy Spirit?

Be Gentle To All Men                                                            II Timothy 2:24-25

God commands us to be gentle to all men.  “And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth” (2 Timothy 2:24-25).  The Lord’s servant must not seek a quarrel or cause another person to respond in such a manner that the conversation erupts into an argument.  As servants of Christ we must be gentle, persuasive, eager to teach and patient with those who are slow learners.  A good teacher, that is sensitive to the Holy Spirit and teaching of the Word of God, is able to detect the inconsistencies in the position of his students and to point them out without being belligerent.  Why are we to teach with “meekness” and not strive with those we teach?  “That God might possibly give to them repentance that they might grasp the truth”(vss 25).  It is difficult for many that hold the responsibility of teaching the Word of God to practice patients, gentleness, and meekness as they teach.  This command is also necessary in all areas of our life as we interact with each other.

Be Content With What You Have                                    Hebrews 13:5

God commands us that we should be content with what we have.  “Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee” (Hebrews 13:5).  God, who owns the cattle on a thousand hill’s (Psalm 50:10) has promised to remain by our side under any circumstance so why do we often feel the need to have more of everything including money?  God is fully aware of what our needs are spiritually and materially long before we even start to realize those needs.   The love for our Christian brothers, a heart and home of hospitality, care for those who are in prison or persecuted, sexual purity as a guard to marriage, and a family and home that is free from materialism is the path God has given for those that love Him.  When we place the love for material possessions above our love for God it demonstrates that we are not content in the Lord.  This is not saying that God does not want us to prepare for the future spiritually and materially but it is instructing us not to love the process of life on this earth above our love for God.  It is not wrong to have earthly possessions but it is wrong for them to posses us.

Stay On the Look Out For The Devil                                    I Peter 5:8

God commands us to stay on the look out for the devil.  “Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour” (I Peter 5:8).  Satan’s activity as the accuser of the brethren (Rev. 12:10) is here suggested. He is constantly on the move (Job 1:7; 2:2) “to kill, steal and destroy”(John 10:10).  He is looking for you as you read this study.  God instructs all Christians to “stay on the look out” for the devil as he seeks to keep each person that loves the Lord from serving as they should.  The devil is seeking to “devour” your testimony, your service, your family, your job, your church attendance, your ability to witness for Christ, and any other area of your life that would keep you from growing in the grace of God.  The responsibility is ours to “be sober, be vigilant” for Satan’s deceptive activities.  A successful resistance to Satan’s roaring attack is possible only as we call upon the Lord in faith trusting him and his word.  When is the last time Satan launched an attack against you or your family?  He is seeking someone to devour and has the power to influence all that a Christian may have or attempt to accomplish.  Look at Job and how Satan launched a massive attack against him.

Pray To God And Not To Influence Man                        Matthew 6:5

One of the many great commands of God to his children is that we might pray and do so in a way that reaches only the heart of God and not the influence of men.  “And when thou prayest, thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corner of the streets, that they may be seen of men.  Verily I say unto you, they have their reward” (Matthew 6:5).  This is the first recorded utterance of Christ on the subject of prayer and he gives us a warning against hypocrisy in the discharge of this duty.  A hypocrite is one who assumes a character that does not belong to him.  Christ is not condemning the posture of standing in prayer for he himself stood to pray (John 11:41).  He is not forbidding his disciples from praying in public read the account of Paul praying before an entire ships crew (Acts 27:35).  No this is a warning for us to guard against vainglory, the seeking to commend ourselves unto others by our prayers.  How often we can find ourselves drawn away by evil within our hearts when we pray and in all reality we should be praying in godly simplicity and sincerity.  It is not the length of our prayers or the content of language for all this can be correct but without prayer from the heart to God only it can be as the hypocrites and false.

Treat Others As You Desire To Be Treated                        Matthew 7:12

God commands us to treat every individual as we would have them treat us.  “Therefore all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets”(Matt. 7:12).  Jesus is summing up His teaching about the Christian’s ethical relationships with others.  We are to do for other people all the good things that we, in our most selfish moments would like them to do for us.  As servants of a holy and righteous God we are to contribute to the highest possible development of all those that love our Lord.  It is our responsibility to support each other in all our hopes, dreams and aspirations this is true ethics.  Man is God’s crowning achievement in creation.  All men are important.  All have dignity.  All need help to reach their goals and we are commanded by God to treat everyone as we would have them treat us.  Do we encourage others to be as loved in Christ as we are?  When we speak with each other and talk about other Christians within our own fellowship (church) is this conversation one that supports or damages others?  No one is entitled to privileges he is unwilling to extend to all others.  We all fall short of this command of Christ.

Come Out From The Unclean                                                II Corinthians 6:17

God commands us to come out from the unclean and not even to touch it.  “Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you” (2 Cor. 6:17).  What is it that Paul is talking about in this verse?  The Corinth Christians where forbidden to attend the idol temples.  How should this be applied to Christians in our society?  Christians when ask to fellowship, in terms of personal presence, service and financial support of any religiious group who rejects the deity of Christ, virgin birth, vicarious death, bodily resurrection, and other Bible doctrines should not be involved.  Paul was not speaking to those in the Corinthian church concerning telling the lost about Christ or living the example of Christian love every day.  He was speaking to them about their associations with pagans in the temple of pagan worship.  Each individual must search deep within their hearts and seek an answer for this scripture in connection with what they may be involved with.  In all reality we can find more than enough to do within the church with our time, talents, finances, and love for others.  Why is it we need the other organizations to support our emotional needs?  Could it be because the church has not reached those areas in our life or maybe we just have not responded to God in full surrender of our hearts?

Avoid Evil Communications                                                I Corinthians 15:33

God commands us to avoid evil communications.  “Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners (habits)” (I Corinthians 15:33).  This is a warning to all Christians that we must guard against useless debate with unbelievers because such idle mental sparring may be injurious to our own moral standards.  For an unbeliever in such a discussion they have nothing to lose.  The Christian is given this warning against these debates for such a continued mental direction can damage the morals of the Christian.  This is not saying we should not study the Word of God and be ready to give an answer to anyone that may ask us of the hope that is within us.  It is a warning against a continued communication process that does not confirm the complete Word of God through faith in all that God has given us to understand.  How often have we found ourselves doubting something within the pages of the Bible because we have allowed evil communication to continue between us and the person that is not saved?  Always remember that faith should be at the very foundation of all we say and do.

Have No Fellowship With Those Who Reject Christ                        II Corinthians 6:14-17

God commands us not to have fellowship with those who reject him.  “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?  And what concord hath Christ with Belial? Or what part hath he that believeth with an infidel?  And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols? For ye are the temple of the living God; as God hath said, I will dwell in them, and walk in them; and I will be their God, and they shall be my people.  Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you” (2 Corinthians 6:14-17).  Those who belong to Christ are instructed not to fellowship, support, attend, or participate in any function that denies Christ’s deity, virgin birth, vicarious death, bodily resurrection, and all other clear teaching found in the Bible.  How many of us find ourselves involved with a group that rejects Christ?  We cannot find common ground with those who reject Christ.  The Christian thesis can never achieve synthesis with the unchristian antithesis.

Don’t Be Weary In Well Doing                                                II Thessalonians 3:13

God commands us not to be weary in well doing.  “But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing” (2 Thessalonians 3:13).  The Thessalonian Christians to whom Paul was writing where already busy working consistently for the glory of Christ.  Others within the community where busy bodies taking part in many areas and trying to discourage those who where faithful.  Often we can be a discouragement to others instead of an encourager if we are not careful in what we say or how we act.  As Christian servants we are encouraged to not become discouraged during the process of actively serving the Lord Jesus Christ.  Some in the Thessalonian church were so fanatical they had infected others that where trying to live for the Lord in a constructive way.  How often have we been involved with others that where busy bodies in the affairs of everyone and these individuals seemed to always create a division within the church?  A good translation of this verse reads, “But you, brethren, do not begin to become discouraged as you continue to do the right thing.”  We should keep on doing that which has the firm foundation built upon the Word of God.  Don’t allow discouragement to enter in as you serve the Lord from day to day.

Don’t Be Slothful                                                                        Hebrews 6:12

God commands us to not be slothful in our dedication and work for Him.  “That ye be not slothful but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises” (Hebrews 6:12).  Here the Apostle Paul is encouraging those he is writing to not to be slothful, as they had been in Hebrews 5:11-14, but to be imitators of other victorious Christians.  Apparently the reason many Christians in the church that he is writing to had become listless and lazy was they had doubts about their eternal relation to God.  The Christian who achieves complete assurance of salvation as taught in verse 11 will be cured of the sluggish attitude some had demonstrated and which was stifling their spiritual growth.  If we realize that we are heir to all the promises of God we will be less likely to be lackadaisical about the challenge to grow in grace every day.  It is vital to our spiritual growth and daily victory in Christ that we have complete assurance of our salvation.  Revisit the time you gave your heart and life to Christ.  Make sure you have the foundation of eternal life settled then you can move forward.

Don’t Be Led Away By The Wicked                                                II Peter 3:17

God commands us not to be led away by the wicked and fall from our steadfastness in Him.  “Ye therefore, beloved, seeing ye know these things before, beware lest ye also, being led away with the error of the wicked, fall from your own steadfastness” (II Peter 3:17).  We are commanded not to fall from our own present stability by making the mistake ungodly men make in rejecting what we cannot understand.  The error of the ungodly to which Peter alludes here is the result of our attempt to resolve the dilemma and being within the scope of human understanding everything in this life.  We must guard our Christian view of history and not leave out the fact that God is Creator, Preserver and Consummator of all that is created in this world.  Our steadfastness is rooted in humility.  As we grow in the sphere of grace, we also grow in intellectual humility (2 Pet. 1:5,6) and thus we grow in knowledge.  We are the one’s instructed to guard our intellectual abilities lest we fall from our steadfastness in Christ.  Everything that God has done, and continues to do, in relation to His universe has been designed to carry out His plan.  We can never understand history apart from the divine decrees.

Don’t Be Influenced By Strange Doctrine                                    Hebrews 13:9

God commands us not to be influenced by strange doctrine.  “Be not carried about with divers and strange doctrines.  For it is a good thing that the heart be established with grace; not with meats, which have not profited them that have been occupied therein” (Hebrews 13:9).  This verse is dependent upon verse 8 “Jesus Christ the same yesterday and to day, and for ever.”  The heart of every Christian should be firmly established and psychologically secure in Christ and Him alone.  Those that seek a closer walk with the Lord have been and continue to be swayed by false doctrine.  Someone can come along that claims they have a new revelation from God and many follow.  Notice these verses are speaking specifically to Christians.  This is saying we can all be carried away by false doctrine if we take our heart off of Christ.  When we allow ourselves to examine all physical things and use them to dictate our spiritual walk we could fall into false doctrine.  The question we must always seek an answer for should be, “When I am active in my everyday life can others see that I am a Christian by my words and deeds?”

Beware Of False Prophets                                                            Matthew 7:15

God commands us to beware of false prophets.  “Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves” (Matthew 7:15).  It does not take us long to look around and find that wolves exist within our society.  The Lord is telling each of us to be aware of these false prophets.  This does not mean every new idea we hear is ipso facto heretical on the grounds that it is new.  The mark of a mature mind is skepticism, but it is not a blind prejudicial skepticism that rejects everything currently outside its own area of understanding.  The warning against wolves raises the question s to how the sheep can tell the difference between the sheep who is truly a sheep and the wolf who is dressed like a sheep.  This question is answered in verse 16-20 and involves us being able to examine the fruit that each produces.  What type of fruit do we bear and can others see that this fruit bring honor and glory only to the Lord?  We are to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit that others might see Christ in us (Galatians 5:22-23).

Be Ware Of Men                                                                        Matthew 10:17

God commands us to be aware of men.  “But beware of men: for they will deliver you up to the councils, and they will scorge you in their synagogues” (Matthew 10:17).  Men will give those that love the Lord over to the courts for minor infractions and seek the destruction of the Christian doctrine.  This statement in verse 17 demonstrates the wickness of the race of men as a whole.  Unsaved humanity is not indifferent to God it is antagonistic to Him.  Read history or listen to news reports concerning the Christian faith in the world.  Those who serve Christ are viewed as bigots, intolerant, a danger to many countries.  We are given this clear command of God that those rejecting Christ will persecute all that have accepted Him as Lord and Saviour.  The wickedness of men will deliver Christians to courts for judged.  Christ was given to the religious and civil courts and then placed on a cross.  We should not be discouraged or feel rejected when those that reject Christ deliver us up to the courts for our convictions concerning faith in Christ and trust in His Holy Word.  Look at what has taken place in our country today.

Other Commands of God to Believers

Beware of covetousness                                                            Lk. 12:15

Cast your cares upon the Lord                                                I Pet. 5:7

Count it joy when you are tempted                                        Jas. 1:2

Do all to God’s glory                                                                  I Cor. 10:31, Col. 3:17,23

Do all things without murmuring or disputing                   Phil. 2:14

Earnestly conted for the faith                                                  Jude 3

Give thanks                                                                                  Eph. 5:20, Phil. 4:6

Give time to reading                                                                   I Tim. 4:13

Give no offense                                                                            I Cor. 10:32

Give freely                                                                                     II Cor. 9:6&7

Give willingly                                                                                II Cor. 8:12

Grow in grace                                                                                II Pet. 3:18

Have compassion                                                                        Jude 22

Have a good conscience                                                             I Pet. 3:16

Lay aside all envy                                                                        I Pet. 2:1

Lay aside all evil speaking                                                         I Pet. 2:1

Let your light shine                                                                     Mt. 5:16

Let your request be made known to God                                Phil. 4:6

Do all things in decent order                                                     I Cor. 14:40

Let husbands love their wives                                                    Eph. 5:25

Let wives be subject to their husbands                                     Eph. 5:22, Col. 3:18

Let wives reverence their husbands                                           Eph. 5:33

Follow things that edify                                                                 Rom. 14:19


Many more are listed by God for our strength and direction from Him.


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