Prayer and Adoration

At least five parts of prayer can be found within the Bible. They are prayers of adoration, confession, supplication, intercession and thanksgiving. The first part of prayer is adoration, and is a word that never occurs in the English Version of the Bible. “The word is derived from Latin adorare meaning, “to speak to, to beseech, entreat and to homage. Homage is from the Latin os (onis) mouth. Adoration is intense admiration culminating in reverence and worship, together with the outward acts and attitudes which accompany such reverence. The highest form of adoration is that which is directed immediately to God Himself, His kingly attributes and spiritual excellencies being so apprehended by the soul that it is filled with rapture and praise, and is moved to do Him reverence. A classical instance is the vision that initiated Isaiah into the prophetic office, when he was so possessed with the sovereignty and sublimity of God that he was filled with wonder and self-abasement (Isaiah 6:1-5).

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